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A. 上海市浦东新区锦绣东路120号

T. 021-5833-9595



上海瑞东医院由瑞金医院集团始建于1998年,其前身为“中日友好医院”,是上海最早的外资合资医院之一,20年来兢兢业业,不间断地为海内外人士提供优质的综合性医疗服务。 我院毗邻毗邻浦东新区联洋、碧云与汤臣三大国际社区,院区东接绿树成荫的苗圃,西南面环河,环境优美,交通便利。我院崇尚以客为尊,以病患为中心的服务理念,开设各科室门诊、特需门诊、国际医疗、体检、住院等多种就诊服务,提供境内外保险直付、台湾健保核退给付等保险业务,全年无休对外开放。瑞东医院源自三甲,联手海外,用高水准的医疗技术,高质量的专业服务,采用国际先进医疗设备,营造舒适的就医环境,为追求品质和注重健康的境内外人士提供一流的尊贵医疗与健康管理服务。

Shanghai Ruidong Hospital is a Sino-Foreign JV general hospital founded in 1998 in partnership with Ruijin Hospital Group. Centrally located in Pudong among the three picturesque international communities of Biyun,Lianyang,and Zhangjiang,we offer both outpatient and inpatient services and are open year round.Our mission is to provide quality healthcare in a comfortable and patient-centric environment.We accept all major domestic and international medical insurance plans as well as Taiwan's public healthcare insurance.